SPF 226: Be Content

Spurgeon called contentment a flower of heaven, and JC Ryle says a contented spirit is the secret of a light heart and an easy mind. Though contentment is a treasure, it is contrary to natural man and must be learned.

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Jeremiah Boroughs Audio of Rare Jewel of Contentment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf2-NCrVT50

Charles Spurgeon Morning Evening: https://spurgeonmae.com/devotional/2012-02-16-0

JC Ryle article “Be Content”: https://www.gracegems.org/23/Ryle_be_content.htm

SPF 204: Growing in Contentment During Trials: sheprovesfaithful.com/podcast/episode204

Be Content

“Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

“Contentment is not a natural propensity of man. Covetousness, discontent, and murmuring are as natural to man as thorns are to the soil. We need not sow thistles and brambles, they come up naturally enough, because they are indigenous to earth; and so we need not teach men to complain; they complain fast enough without any education.” – Charles Spurgeon

“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.” Philippians 4:11

Spurgeon called contemned a flower of heaven, and JC Ryle says a contented spirit is the secret of a light heart and an easy mind.

JC Ryle says we learn contentment in such a world by casting off our pride and knowing our deserts in order to be thankful in any condition. He wrote in an article called Be Content, “If men really knew that they deserve nothing, and are debtors to God’s mercy every day, they would soon cease to complain.”

JC Ryle writes, “You may say perhaps that you have such crosses, and trials, and troubles, that it is impossible to be content. I answer, that you would do well to remember your ignorance. Do you know best, what is good for you, or does God? Are you wiser than here? The things you want, might ruin your soul. The things you have lost, might have poisoned you.”

“Reader, I know not whether I make the point clear, but it is one which, simple as it seems, is a great practical importance. I want you to see the place in office of the Bible, and the unspeakable importance of knowing it well, and being acquainted with its contents. I want you to arm yourself with texts and verses of the Bible, fasten down in your memory, to read so as to remember, and to remember so as to use what you read.” – JC Ryle


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