Practical theology to help you think biblically and live faithfully.

with Lauren Hlushak

She Proves Faithful exists for women …

  • who are thirsty for Truth

  • who have questions about the Bible

  • who want to become more wise and discerning in the midst a cunning culture

  • who want to grow in faith and spiritual maturity

  • who want to obey Jesus and make disciples but need encouragement, resources, and ideas on what to do

  • who like to laugh and love to learn

All of life is worship (Colossians 3:17) and we are on a journey of making God’s Name great (Psalm 105:1) as we love and obey Him with our whole lives (Deuteronomy 6:5). She Proves Faithful teaches a biblical worldview to help women live gospel centered lives, living in freedom and honoring Jesus as King.

Hello there – I’m Lauren, the founder of She Proves Faithful.

I started dreaming of She Proves Faithful in 2014 after giving a little talk at a Women’s Training Day at my church on the importance of reading the Word of God. As I watched women feverishly scribble down some practical tools, I realized the huge need to encourage my friends in their faith (discipleship). As a mom with a young baby (and now three kids), I knew I had limited time, so I created She Proves Faithful to be catalog of resources to help women learn more about our Great God and how to prove faithful in all He’s given us to do.

Some quick facts:

  • I learned to read the Bible while at Florida State University (go noles!) with a campus ministry called The Navigators – it.changed.everything.

  • Two days after my first date with my now husband, my apartment burned down. Yep. My pink puffy vest survived – and I still wear it.

  • I married the love of my life and less than a year later I had open heart surgery to replace my pulmonary valve. I am a congenital heart survivor.

  • We have three adorable children and a cat and just gave up our chickens in order to move, but are already looking for coop materials.

  • We used to have ducks and they gave us eggs, but the ducks went to live on a a real farm.

  • I can cook a chicken 50 ways, but most of them involve a crockpot.

  • I will eat cookies for breakfast. Correction. I do eat cookies for breakfast.

  • I rarely buy things at full price. No no no, not when there could be a coupon somewhere. I even negotiated the price on patio chairs at an Ace Hardware once.

  • I love sharing truth and laughing, so that’s why I podcast.

I would seriously love to connect – so drop me a line lauren at or find me on instagram!

Statement of Faith

Here at She Proves Faithful, all content comes from the belief that there is One Triune God who created everything for His glory. All people are born sinful and separated from God because of our evil rebellious hearts and intentions. There is no one righteous, not even one. God, in His great mercy and love and for the praise and glory of His great name, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to ransom back to Him a people for His own possession by suffering and dying on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins. To those God calls, God saves from eternal separation by forgiving sins and imputing His Son’s perfect righteousness on them. God then graciously gives the Holy Spirit as a deposit guaranteeing the inheritance kept in heaven for us. All of this is found in His infallible Word, written by Him, and useful for everything in life and godliness.

She Proves Faithful podcast and teachings come from what the Bible teaches about God, our condition and living our lives to His glory.

To read more about where She Proves Faithful aligns, please read

SPF Podcast

I like Truth. I like being practical. I like to laugh. Put it all together and what do you get?  The She Proves Faithful Podcast!

The SPF Podcast is all about discipling women with the Truth of the Gospel so we can prove faithful in all the Lord has given us to do.

  • Less than 40 minutes

  • listen why you cook dinner, wash dishes, drive your commute

  • practical tips and ideas to live out the gospel

  • relevant topics

  • grace + truth

Listen here or go to iTunes! And don’t forget to leave a review to help other women access gospel-centered content!

Favorite Episodes:


Lauren loves to share the Truth of God’s Word and it’s practical application to life. If you are interested in having Lauren speak at your women’s event, conference, or lead a workshop, just send an inquiry for more information.

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