She proves faithful member access

Hi! Welcome to the Member Only part of She Proves Faithful! You are here because you’re part of making She Proves Faithful happen! Thank you for joining the team through your generous gifts on Patreon. Here you will find member-only access to exclusive SPF resources. I pray that they are helpful to you in proving faithful as women loved by God.


PRAYER discipleship plans

Looking for an encouraging resource on prayer?

Here are 4 mini Bible studies on prayer. They are called “discipleship plans” because they are a great resource to use with your kids, or other women, to help them learn and grow and practice prayer.  These one page studies have discussion questions, Scripture references, and study questions and a practical application.


Memory verse CARDS for kids

Join us in memorizing some of our favorite Scriptures. These verses are in our kitchen and we love learning them and talking about them during the day and in teachable moments. We hope you enjoy them too!



Memory Verse Prints from SPF in the Word

You can get Bible Verse Bundle for free in the SPF Shop with code: PATREON

This is a collection of digital 8.5 x 11 verse prints you can print out and display to help you hide God’s Word in your heart.




Anchored Bible Study

Anxiety is something that most people will experience at some point in their lives. What do we do when we are anxious? How can we grow in our trust of God?

In my struggles with anxiety, I have learned that God gives us anxiety-relievers to help us build authentic faith in Him. The Anchored Bible Study will take you through seven anxiety-relievers in God’s Word and help you search through Scriptures to build your faith.

As a thank you, I am giving Patreon supporters an exclusive discount on the Anchored Bible Study. You can use this code to order as many as you like, but the code is for you alone.

Get 25% off the Anchored Bible Study with code: Anchored25

This only ships in US, but email me at lauren at if you are international and I will apply the same 25% discount to digital orders (not currently offered in shop, but I will put it up just for you!).




Praying Through a Psalm bookmarks

Do you want to be more focused when you pray? Do you want to get to know God even more as you pray? A great way to do both is to pray through a Psalm!

I’ve made a bookmark for you to print out and keep in your Bible with some prayer methods and favorite psalms with topics.

This is also a great tool to use with friends or kids or a Bible Study – just print and cut and hand out.






Resurrection Readings: 10 Day Devotional

What happened after Jesus rose from the dead? Spend ten days in the Word reading about Jesus’ ministry after His resurrection, His ascension, the Holy Spirit coming to all believers, and more. We learn that the death and resurrection of Jesus was God’s definite plan and how the Gospel changed history.

There are two options: Do the ten day devotional with your kids or on your own! Or both!

Resurrection Readings with KIDS


  • Get: The Gospel Story Bible by Marti Machowski, (affiliate link) or just use your Bible!

  • Print: The 10 day devotional and the picture images.

  • Cut Out: The picture images and with each reading you have your child guess the right image that goes with the story and have them tape them on the wall. Or you can hole punch and string them on a string like a story garland.

Devotion Time:

  • Read the Scripture passage, then the passage from The Gospel Story Bible (affiliate link) if you have it.

  • Next, ask the questions. The first question has the child guess the picture!

  • Tape the picture on the wall or put it on string.

Adult Resurrection Readings

This is a free 10 day devotion with readings and questions. I encourage you to print out the 2 pages and journal your answers.


Free Printable for Kids – Church note Taking

Here is a simple way to help children engage their minds during the sermon portion of Sunday morning worship: note taking! We use this template as a tool to help our kids develop listening skills as they listen for key words and tally them up, copy down a verse from the sermon, and illustrate something they heard or learned.


Thanksgiving Table Questions

Looking to engage your guests this Thanksgiving? Here is a little printable Thanksgiving Questions Place Cards you can use for your Thanksgiving celebrations or even at a regular dinner time in November. As Patreon members, I wanted to give you double the Scriptures and questions (12!) as a thank you for your support. 

You can cut them out and make them stand up like the picture, or cut them out as a square to place on a plate.

There is also a link to some fun Thanksgiving trivia for some more festive fun at the table!

May the Lord bless your conversations!

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