SPF 145: The Idol of Efficency

Efficiency is being productive without wasting time or expense. Is efficiency the same as ‘making the most of every opportunity?’ What happens when our days are hectic and we just can’t get everything done? How can we be at peace and have more joy when we go about our to-do lists? I’m covering these questions today and how we can prove faithful with our daily worship of God no matter how “efficient” we are with our day.

Efficiency is being productive without wasting time or expense. Is efficiency the same as ‘making the most of every opportunity?’ What happens when our days are hectic and we just can’t get everything done? How can we be at peace and have more joy when we go about our to-do lists?

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By Conner, Polly

The Idol of Efficiency

Ephesians 5:15-16

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”

The word used in the phrase making the most use of your time is actually a Greek word that means to redeem we are to redeem the days because they are evil. The heart of God is not that we would maximize our time and getting things done and being productive to feel good about our days. The heart of God is that people would worship him. To to redeem the day and make the best use of it is to worship God no matter what happens.

Two Lessons on Efficiency:

  1. God wants to sanctify us

  2. God is Sovereign and is advancing His mission

God’s sovereignty means that 1. Nothing is wasted in our days because His plans never are thwarted and 2. His mission will be accomplished.

By what standard do we call our days good or bad, successful or unsuccessful.

And the fact is, we don’t see behind the sovereignty of God curtain so to speak. God knows all he sees all he plans all and we could not ever possibly know all that God is doing for many reasons.

We might not see or understand but God is still at work.

“The risen and reigning King of kings and Lord of lords rules over this world and over his mission with absolute sovereignty. Nothing is outside his sovereign will. If he meets with resistance, he either allows it for his purposes, or he overcomes it for his purposes.” – Desiring God

The fact is no matter how your day goes the Lord is raining, the Lord’s plan is prevailing. God cares about you and therefore allows these inefficient days to bring you to him.


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Check out my Amazon Shop to see all the resources I recommend! The cookbook is in the life hack section!



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