SPF 051: When God is Silent

Have you ever had seasons in your life where you poured out your heart to God only to get crickets? It churns up a lot of emotions in our hearts. Today we are talking about what do we do when God is silent? How does it help our faith? We will look at two people who experienced God’s silence and give you a practical faith building tip in the silence. PLUS this episode is super special because there is a free musical resource especially for SPF listeners!  Connect with me on Instagram @sheprovesfaithful


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Free Music Bundle Download from Lantern Music

Andy Johnston creator and musician of Lantern Music has a free exclusive download bundle for She Proves Faithful listeners.


Click on “Digital Album” and put $0 in price to download the album free compliments of Andy Johnson. If you love these songs and they bless you, I encourage you to purchase more of his music!

When God is Silent

How do we pray and have faith when we don’t know if God will answer?

It has to start with rooting our faith in the TRUTH OF God’s Character.. We have to develop a right theology of who God is through the Word of God in order to have right thinking about the times when He is silent to us.

We must know and trust the character of God in the silence. Because if we love God for what He gives us (including answers to all our requests and questions) then we will hate God for what He takes away.

How to Build our Faith in the Silence

So how do we trust in His character? How do we come to know it?

– Read the Bible (SPF reading plan)

– make notes of character traits of God and how the play out in life (Creator = pot/clay)

– memorize and teach them

Two Examples

The Canaanite Woman Matthew 15:21-27

Jesus Crucified Matthew 27:45-56, Isaiah 53

Favorite Resources

Phylicia Masonheimer:  http://phyliciadelta.com

Dr. Joel Beeke’s sermon on How Christ Matures Mothers:  http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?m=t&s=62151628229

Become a teammate of the She Proves Faithful Podcast: https://www.patreon.com/sheprovesfaithful

Lantern Music Download:  https://lanternmusic.bandcamp.com/album/she-proves-faithful-bundle

Bebo Norman Beautiful Scandalous Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6iCRyvcZrc

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