SPF 056: Holy Priesthood & Spiritual Sacrifices

First Peter says we are a holy priesthood offering up spiritual sacrifices to God. How do we prove faithful as a holy priesthood? What is a spiritual sacrifice and what keeps our worship from being a form of self righteousness? Today we are talking about spiritual sacrifices of worship and four biblical spiritual sacrifices a Christian can give.  


Hurricane Maria Relief in Puerto Rico

You can help people in Puerto Rico recovering from Hurricane Maria in a tangible easy way by going to sheprovesfaithful.com/shop and purchasing the verse print “For Puerto Rico” for $5. Your donation will go directly to buying batteries, battery operated fans, and insect repellent wipes. SPF is not a non-profit organization so this gift is not tax deductible.

My dear friend, Isabella, who was on episode 33 sharing wisdom about Biblical Counseling, will be taking a trip and hand delivering items to people in need. You can follow her story on Instagram to get updates: asojourner1

Life Hack

Don’t let your toes stay cold. Wear a pair of socks and in the morning ball them up and put them behind your pillow. They’ll be waiting for you when you go to bed.

Holy Priesthood & Spiritual Sacrifices

1 Peter 2:4-8

God indicates who we are in Christ:

  • living stone built up as a spiritual house

  • holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

Living Stones:

Uur identity: we are living stones, part of the temple of God where God dwells with His people.  “In Him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” Ephesians 2:2

Holy Priesthood:

We are a priesthood set apart for God, not in that we offer animals to atone for people’s sins, but that we do a work unto God every day.  We are selected by God to serve Him, to serve others, to offer our bodies, souls, and our affections, prayers, and other Christian duties to God. 

Because we are a Holy Priesthood:

Spiritual Sacrifices are my duty of worship and honor to God. And it all happens THROUGH CHRIST. He is the great high priest through whom all our sacrifices and services are accepted. Before they were filthy rags, but now, they are an offering to God. 

Four Spiritual Sacrifices of A Christian

Number 1: Repentance and Humility Psalm 51:17

Number 2: Our Physical Bodies Romans 12:1

Number 3: Sharing the Gospel / Evangelism Romans 15:15-16

Number 4: Praise, Doing Good, Generosity Hebrews 13:15-16


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