I think we’ve all heard it before “Christians are just a bunch of hypocrites”
People expect a certain standard of living and behavior from Christians and when they don’t see it, the word Hypocrite is immediately assigned. Since Christians are not perfect, how do we avoid being a hypocrite? How do we prove faithful when we still sin?
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Life Hack – SOAP
Amanda sent in a life hack to put a rubber band on the soap dispenser shaft to keep from pumping too much soap out. Give it a try, especially for little hands that use too much soap!
Also! Amanda is running a Face Mask sale on her site AJapothocary.com during the month of March! I LOVE the Natural Radiance Mask – it smells amazing and leaves my skin feeling so soft.
Christians can be Hypocrites
Greek Word – hypokritēs means actor/pretender
Two ways we can be hypocrites as Christians:
we can know the truth and do something different (Example: Paul confronting Peter in Galatians)
we can act out what we know is right but our hearts are far from worshipping God (Example: Jesus rebuking the Pharisees and scribes in Matthew 23)
Bottom line – as Christiasn we are new creations with a new heart able to live lives to God.
If our hearts are new, we live according to the newness. So anytime we sin, we are actually being hypocrites. We are living according to the flesh instead of according to the spirit.
What do we do when we still sin?
We repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We turn from evil, because we can through the power of Christ.
We live out 1 John 1:9 – When we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to cleanse of our sins and forgive us of all unrighteousness.
Turning from hypocrisy does these things:
Glorifies God
assures us of our salvation
shows the world God’s authority, holiness, and forgiveness to sinners
When confronted with hypocrisy in our lives remember this verse:
God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. James 4:6
Two ways to respond: pride vs humility
Pride: Annanais and Sapphira Acts 5
Humility: Israel and Samual 1 Samuel 12
Practical humility in 1 Samuel:
Fear only God
Serve Him faithfully with all your heart
Consider the great things He has done for you (in Bible, and in own life)
Three Ways We Can Prove Faithful by Turning from our Hypocrisy
1. Turn from evil and obey the Lord
2. Think like a Christian by developing a biblical worldview
3. Ask for forgiveness – seek restoration of relationships
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A Survey of Church History – https://www.ligonier.org/store/survey-of-church-history-complete-dvd-package-collection-parts-1-6/
Acts and Facts Magazine – http://www.icr.org/icr-magazines
Answers in Genesis (has kid resources too!) – https://answersingenesis.org