SPF 075: Calling, Wolves, & The Whole Counsel of God

Encouragement is more than just a feel good word to put our hope in – its a calling to something. Today we are looking at four encouragements Paul called the Ephesian elders to and how to spot a wolf that wants to destroy the flock.  


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The Riot and the Dance

For one night only, on Monday, March 19th, The Riot and the Dance, a nature documentary praising God and attributing the marvels of creation to the Creator.

Take a look at the trailer – buy tickets and show your support for films that honor God!

Learn more and find a theatre: http://riotandthedance.com

Encourage – Called to

Acts 20

Paul encouraged = The word used in Acts 20:1 is the Greek word parakaleō which means to call to something.

Our faith in Christ is an active thing.

Not passive.

We don’t just exist; we exist to the glory of God!

Four Things We are Called to:

  1. We are called to gather – Acts 20:7 / Hebrews 10:24-25 – We are to learn the Word of God together and break bread together (eat!).

  2. We are called to serve the Lord with all humility – Acts 20:19 – We are called not to consume but to contribute

  3. We are called to be a people on mission and to persevere – Acts 20:24 – our lives are about Christ and we are called to make disciples. When we get tired, take comfort in Christ’s perseverance for us.

  4. We are called to be on guard against wolves – Acts 20:28-31 – there will be people from among us that rise up and teach twisted things.

Wolves & What the Teach

A wolf is a metaphor used to describe someone who is greedy, cruel, and/or destructive.

Paul describes them as speaking twisted things.

Biblical Times Wolves:

  1. Judaizer – taught a combination of God’s grace and human effort – Acts 15

  2. Pagans – worldly, materialistic, worship created things – Romans 1

Current Wolves Examples:

  1. Universalists – claim that everyone will go to heaven

  2. Sexual revolution – claim that there is not just male and female Romans 1

  3. Prosperity Gospel – preaching that Jesus is about man and what we can get from Him

Opposite of a Wolf

Through Paul’s example we see what is opposite of a wolf:

  1. Does not shrink back from teaching what is profitable

  2. Proclaims the whole counsel of God

  3. Warns and admonishes against sin

  4. Commends people to the Lord and assures them of eternity

  5. Does not covet


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Acts 20 sermon from New City Church – http://newcitydenver.org/sermons/how-jesus-builds-a-great-church/


By J. C. Ryle




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