Who am I and what am I created for? Is my identity created by God or do I create it? Today we are talking about identity and some secular influences that can derail the truth about who we are, plus learn about our call to fruitfulness. This is part 1 in a 2 part series.
Who am I and what am I created for? Is my identity created by God or do I create it? Today we are talking about identity and some secular influences that can derail the truth about who we are, plus learn about our call to fruitfulness.
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Free Kid’s Bible Reading Plan
This is a free 10 day reading plan you can do with your kids all about what happened after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!
You can use The Gospel Story Bible by Marti Machowski with the readings if you have it, or would like to purchase it. See the link for the book at the bottom of the page under RESOURCES.
Go here for the free reading plan: sheprovesfaithful.com/blog/resurrection-plan
If you are a patreon member check out patreon.com/sheprovesfaithful for a reading plan with questions for kids and adults.
Life Hack
Roast a chicken and make it delicious with ONE INGREDIENT! SALT!
Over salt your bird for a dry brine and roast it in the oven at 375 until fully cooked.
Read about dry brining from bon appetit here: https://www.bonappetit.com/story/dry-brine-chicken
Everyone at some point in their lives is searching for their identity – who they are and why they matter. We want to know our purpose and how we fit into life.
As Christians, I have very good news – our identity is in Christ and can be known every time we pick up the Word of God.
Two Deceptive philosophies:
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – we cannot know who we are until all other needs are met
Exilstentialism – we create our meaning; existence precedes essence
God has not set you on a course to create yourself. You do not have that pressure to hand craft who you are. What a blessing! Our value and worth does not depend on what we can make of ourselves. In fact, God is God and the creator of your life. In His grace and mercy He has given us the Bible tell us who we are, and what our purposes are.
Another problem – our rebellious hearts. We rebel against who God says we are and what His purpose is for us.
Romans 6:5-8, 20-23
Our identity is in Christ and in just a few short verse we learn wonders about who we are and what we are called to do.
We are made new – the old self that hated God and loved self – it is crucified with Christ, so that the body of sin might be brought to nothing!
We are no longer slaves to sin – I talked about this in episode 114 – sin is not our king anymore – we are not enslaved to follow sin which leads to death
We live with Christ – our life has a new trajectory – freedom to live for God – we are captive to Him
We are slaves to God – everyone is a slave to something – we are captive to something – Christians are now slaves to God – that means we are His, a part of His kingdom through adoption as sons and daughters. We have an inheritance of eternal life. You are an eternal being and now your eternity is secure with Christ.
We now live fruitful lives – being a slave to God means we are now producing fruit! The fruit of living opposed to God is sin, shame, and death. But the fruit of righteousness is sanctification and eternal life!
Quote from chapter 8 of You Who by Rachel Jankovic:
“Jesus Christ died for sinners. Jesus Christ did not come to this world and die so that you might live. That is only the partial truth, the truth that skips all the action. Jesus Christ came to this earth, struggled, suffered, and died the you might die. Let that sink in. It was not His death that gave you life—His death gave you death in Him. But what happened after His death? His victory over death. The resurrection. Jesus Christ died so that you might die, and he lives so that you might live. Your life in Christ is what happens after your death in Him.
Total submission to Christ is to life in Christ. This is because without dying in Him you cannot live in Him. When you submit your life to Him fully, you can live in Him fully. There is no going halfsies with death for Christians. You can’t try to keep living the life that should have died i Christ. You can’t arrange you little ideas about yourself in some compatible way with your idea of Christ. Let Him have it all – what remains after death is ONLY LIFE. You are no longer the author of your own identities, but rather you live in the Author and He lives in you.”
Galations 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
We have been crucified with Christ and also resurrected with Him. We now live for Him and to Him and through Him. Because to Him be the glory forever.
Regarding our identity – it’s not a mystery.
God has told us who we are in the Bible and what we are to do about it. As we learn who we are and walk in obedience through God’s grace we will be satisfied, we will be fulfilled, we will be fruitful because we are living lives to God.
If there is one thing we can remember about identity it’s that God created us for His glory. We are designed by Him to worship Him. Don’t chase the wind.
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