SPF 117: Daughter of the King – Adoption, Privileges & Responsibilities

At some point in your Christian faith, you may have heard the phrase or read it on a card or coffee mug “you are a daughter of the King.” It sounds lovely and special, but what does it really mean? Today we are talking about being daughters of the King, which comes through our adoption as children of God, and some of our privileges and responsibilities that go with it. 


At some point in your Christian faith, you may have heard the phrase or read it on a card or coffee mug “you are a daughter of the King.” It sounds lovely and special, but what does it really mean?

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Life Hack

Try that dry brine chicken!! Cook it in a dutch oven and make gravy on the stove after baking!

Dry Brine:

Daughters of the King

When you hear the phrase daughter of the King what that phrase or title is referring to is a child of God. Because God  is our Father and He is also King, it makes His children that are female, daughters of Him. This is about our adoption – from going from God’s enemies to His children. 

With adoption we 1. have the glorious reality of our salvation and 2. a new responsibility to now   “walk in a manner worthy of our calling.” Ephesians 4:1 

Our Adoption making us Sons and Daughters of the King

Galatians 4:4-7

Paul tells us in Galatians that at just the right time, God sent His Son so that on our behalf Jesus could fulfill the righteous requirement of the Law in order that we might share with Hime the rights and privileges as children of God.

What did I do to deserve this adoption as a child of the Most High God, that I might share with Christ the rights and privileges a child has with his or her father?  Nothing.  

Jesus did it all.

Chosen – from The Ology by Marty Machowski – “We choose ice-cream that takes good. But when God chose us to be a part of his family, we were yucky spoiled sinners — not one of us was good. God didn’t chose us because he need us or because we had some special quality, God chose us what will were still sinners, just because He decided to love us.”

And When we really want to understand our adoption – our chosenness – we must also understand who we were before Christ!!

  1. Ephesians says we were strangers and aliens

  2. Colossians says we were enemies of God because of our evil behavior

  3. Colossians 3 says this is the way we once walked and lived but are now to put them away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth”

  4. We were dead in our sins, destined for hell, objects of God’s wrath

But thanks be to God through Christ Jesus’s perfect obedience to God the Father, through His death and resurrection, we can go from all these things to being adopted by God to be His children.

Because we have been chosen and adopted by God we can now call God our Father.

Abba Father doubly emphases God as our Father – in two different languages to assure us that God is our loving Father who cares for us. We are no longer God’s enemies and we are no longer at odds with our Creator – we don’t have to run from Him and try and hide our sin – we have peace with Him and He is now our source of forgiveness and mercy that we can run to at anytime. What an honor – what a blessing.

One important distinction to note is that all people are not God’s children. It is true that all people as God’s created beings are born under His authority and His lordship and will one day be judged by Him, but John 1:12-13 teaches us that God’s children are those who have received salvation:

To be adopted by God is to be blessed beyond any other blessing. Something small we can do everyday is acknowledge the blessedness of being children of God.

Privileges of Adoption

With adoption comes many privileges 

  • Our eternity is secure and our condemnation is gone through Christ

  • We are now given a new nature to worship and love God

  • We are given the Holy Spirit as a seal and also as a helper and counselor to live according to what is good and pleasing to God

  • We can now approach the throne of God and receive mercy and help in our time of need

  • We have a home in heaven and the problems and sufferings on earth are called light and momentary in comparison to our future glory

Our Responsibility as Sons and Daughters of the King

Romans 8:12-17

“So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh to live according to the flesh.” Romans 8:12

Part of our indebtedness to God is to now be about His business.

Instead, We are debtors to Christ – to him we owe it all. Matthew Henry writes, “Being delivered from so great a death by so great a ransom, we are deeply indebted to our deliverer.” 1 Corinthians 6 reminds us that we were bought with a price, so glorify God with our bodies.

Matthew 6:33 tells us But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

The good news is 1. we have a new nature so our hearts desire to be about God’s work – although the flesh competes but 2. we now are led by the Spirit!

Rachel Jankovic – You Who quote (chapter 18):

“We are quick to see the role of princess as one that has a lot of privilege in it, and is in fact a privileged position. But more than that, it is a position of responsibility. You are a daughter of the King. That means you should be about His business. You are a daughter of the King — therefore you bear your responsibilities in a way that becomes the office you hold. While it is a great honor, being a daughter of the King is more like wearing a shirt that says STAFF boldly across the back. When it comes to Kingdom work, we are the Kingdom workers. Who should be more invested in this work than the children of the King Himself?”

As we grow in in our faith and understanding of God, so our hearts grow for His business. And by His power we can carry out these responsibilities with gladness and without pressure. This is our joy and delight!


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Great adoption links:





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