SPF 151: The Cure for Chaos

It’s no secret that 2020 has been quite chaotic. From a virus to riots to government overreach to social media melt downs and everything in between it is clear that the world is broken and fallen. So what can we do when everything around us is chaotic weather in our homes, or in the world, Scripture has the solution.


It’s no secret that 2020 has been quite chaotic. From a virus to riots to government overreach to social media melt downs and everything in between, it is clear that the world is broken and fallen. So what can we do when everything around us is chaotic?

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The Cure For Chaos

We know according to Scripture that we are no longer under the law but under grace.

What does this mean:

  • This means we do not need to uphold God’s holy law in order to be blameless before him and be approved by own works

  • It means God gives us grace through his son Jesus Christ who did uphold God’s holy law and was blameless and approved by his works.

What it does not mean:

  • That the Law is void and meaningless.

  • It also does not mean that obedience to the law doesn’t matter. Jesus came to fulfill the law, not make it void.

When it comes to God’s law, God’s standard, God gets to determine what the standard is. God gets to decide what is holy conduct.

God’s standard truly brings order and dissolves chaos.

When Christians love God‘s moral law, and look to glorify him in following it, through the mercy and help of the gospel and the Holy Spirit, we are a grace to our families, to the church, to our community, and to the world.

Sometimes Christians decide that Gods standard is no longer is applicable = antinomianism

Antinomianism leads to Secularism


Secularism separates people from the Lordship of Christ. It excludes God from life, excludes God from laws, from justice, from education, from morality. The undercurrent of secularism declares that there is no God therefore I must be God. That’s when new definitions of what is right and wrong what is just and unjust begin to develop. Secularism teaches us to do what feels right according to each individual person, because they are the ones in charge.

So what is the result of secularism? The result is chaos.

When we divorce our lives our culture I said our society from God, the result is chaos.

What is the antidote? What restores us to order? What is the solution?

We must return to the rightful king.

When we return to the king there is order.

Here are some verses that show us the way out of chaos:

James 4:6-10

Proverbs 2:6-15

Ecclesiastes 12:13

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.


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