SPF 158: Being Lights with Our Attitudes – Complaining vs Cheerfulness

How do we prove faithful with our attitudes when the weather is ripe for grumbling? Today we are going to look at how to turn a heart that grumbles to one that is full of faith and full of cheer.  


How do we prove faithful with our attitudes when the weather is ripe for grumbling? Today we are going to look at how to turn a heart that grumbles to one that is full of faith and full of cheer.

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Attitude: Grumbling vs Cheer  

Grumbling against God is an attitude of unbelief.

A lack of faith means we are not believing who God says He is. If we are not having faith in God and His promises, then we are trusting in other things.

Sometimes we are so persuaded something else is better than what God says that we are will to submit to the pain and misery of sin than to trust God. When we trade God’s words for the words of the world or the words of the enemy, we will find ourselves inevitably grumbling about something.

Take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ:

“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Be a Light

Grumbling is a language of the world. It is the language of the enemy.

“Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.” Philippians 2:14-16

We actually shine as lights when we have cheerful dispositions and move about our days with kindness and thankfulness.

Look at the contrast here – our attitudes have the ability to shine against a backdrop of crookedness and twistedness. Crooked means perverse and wicked, twisted means to distort and oppose – to turn away from the right path, and even plot against the saving purposes and plans of God. That is the world we live in – darkness. And when we have attitudes that are cheerful – not because we are manufacturing smiles or because we are ignoring hard things or pretending, but because we have hearts that are rooted in the promises of God and are trusting in Him, we are lights to this world that needs Christ.

Charles Spurgeon

“We use lights to make manifest. A Christian man should so shine in his life, that a person could not live with him a week without knowing the gospel. His conversation should be such that all who are about him should clearly perceive whose he is, and whom he serves; and should see the image of Jesus reflected in his daily actions. Lights are intended for guidance. We are to help those around us who are in the dark. We are to hold forth to them the Word of life. We are to point sinners to the Saviour, and the weary to a divine resting-place. Men sometimes read their Bibles, and fail to understand them; we should be ready, like Philip, to instruct the inquirer in the meaning of God’s Word, the way of salvation, and the life of godliness. Lights are also used for warning. On our rocks and shoals a light-house is sure to be erected. Christian men should know that there are many false lights shown everywhere in the world, and therefore the right light is needed. The wreckers of Satan are always abroad, tempting the ungodly to sin under the name of pleasure; they hoist the wrong light, be it ours to put up the true light upon every dangerous rock, to point out every sin, and tell what it leads to, that so we may be clear of the blood of all men, shining as lights in the world. Lights also have a very cheering influence, and so have Christians. A Christian ought to be a comforter, with kind words on his lips, and sympathy in his heart; he should carry sunshine wherever he goes, and diffuse happiness around him.”

– Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening Devotion

  1. Lights are used to light something up

  2.  Lights are used for guidance

  3.  Lights are used for warnings

  4.  Lights are cheerful

Proving Faithful with our Attitudes

When I feel like complaining
1. Stop & Repent

2. Give Thanks

3. Remember the promises of God

4. Get busy and do something

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