“Better to present truth in her native plainness than to hang her ears with counterfeit pearls.” Thomas Brooks
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Judgement Scriptures
For 23 years Jeremiah prophesied coming judgement and called on God’s people in Judah and Jerusalem to repent. They did not listen.
The sins that lead to judgement:
King Manasseh of Judah: 2 Kings 21, Jeremiah 15
False prophets and priests: Jeremiah 20
The people’s sins: Jeremiah 7,8,9
“Truth has perished. It has been cut off from their lips.” Jeremiah 7:28
The judgement: for the cities of Judah and Jerusalem to be destroyed; God’s people taken captive to Babylon, and others to die by sword, famine, and pestilence.
Even So . . .
God still did not forget His people. He promised the Righteous Branch would come (Jesus Christ) and He promised that even His people would return to the promised land and prosper once again in 70 years.
“We are not seeing terrible things in our culture because we vote the wrong way. We are seeing terrible things in our culture because me love darkness rather than light.” – Voddie Baucham
Our Nation (America):
Murdered 42.7 million babies last year in the womb
Pastors of churches welcoming in idols and praise abominable things
Letting children mutilate themselves to change their God-given sex
Acceptance of perversion and pornography
Theft through taxes
Judgement is purifying for the church because it exposes evil things and opens eyes up to what is good. It’s done purposefully for God’s people to repent and turn back to the Lord.
Our Job:
repent of our own idols
share the Gospel of truth
don’t decorate truth with counterfeit pearls
go to church – in person
practice hospitality
feed your people – with the Scriptures and with food
Trust in the Lord
pray for our nation
pray for our leaders to repent
get married
make babies
be merry
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