SPF 179: Four Lessons in Hospitality

Did you know hospitality is not a spiritual gift? Did you know it includes welcoming strangers? Did you know that it creates a stronger church? Today I’m sharing four hospitality lessons and their practical applications to help us practice hospitality.


Did you know hospitality is not a spiritual gift? Did you know it includes welcoming strangers? Did you know that it creates a stronger church? Today I’m sharing four hospitality lessons and their practical applications to help us practice hospitality.    Show Notes: Sheprovesfaithful.com/podcast/episod179   Support $5 a Month: patreon.com/sheprovesfaithful 

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Four Lessons in Hospitality

Number 1: Is not listed as a spiritual gift

Romans 12:13 “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.”

Hebrews 13:1 “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers –

1 Peter 4:9 “Show hospitality without grumbling”

  • 1 Timothy and Titus list hospitable as qualifications for elders

Practical application 1: To practice hospitality regularly – “hospitality need to be part of the fabric of our lifestyle, not a special occasion.” – Rebecca Vandoodewaard

Hospitality can be part of our routine, as seasons of life allow, and they become a blessed habit.

Number 2: Hospitality is more than fellowship with friends. It includes strangers.

Scripture uses the philoxenia for hospitality in Romans and Hebrews which means love to strangers.

Biblically, practicing hospitality to strangers means these are people unable to return the deed. What a beautiful picture of the Gospel! We were strangers to grace, we were alienated from God, we were enemies of God, yet Christ saved us and now we are fellow hires. We were once strangers, but now we are members of God’s family and we cannot return this incredible gift God has given us. What a good attitude to have when having people in our home – not expecting anything in return.

Practical application number 2: Hospitality includes inviting our friends and family over, but also those we don’t know as well.

“Inviting friends and family over – everyone does that. But inviting a stranger – that is Christian love.” – Rebecca Vandoodewaard

Number 3: Do not neglect

When Hebrews says, “do not neglect” Reformation Study Bible says it is referring to the temptation to not serve fellow brothers and sisters in Christ because the pressure of suffering can drive the fundamental responsibilities of love from our minds.

Given to Hospitality

  • “Those who have houses of their own should be ready to entertain those who go about doing good, or who, for fear of persecutions, are forced to wander of shelter.”

Practical application 3: Be ready to practice hospitality and seek to show it to others.

Number 4: Hospitality blesses us

The commands of God are not burdensome to the believer. It is not the way to salvation, but a way of glorifying God and abundant living.

“There are blessings spiritual and otherwise we can experience here and now when we practice hospitality.” – Rebecca Vandoodewaard

  1. fellowship with other believers usually brings an immediate blessing

  2. maturity – through self sacrifice, service, planning, mindfulness of others

  3. Brings the blessing of skill – actually practicing hospitality helps us learn how to do it well – it’s full of discovery and the opportunity to get better at it. practice means we need practice. “Nobody is born a perfect hostess. We all have to learn. Consistent obedience is the best way to become skilled in opening your home and ministering to others. Talking to a skilled host or hostess helps, but nothing teaches like experience.” – Rebecca Vandoodewaard

  4. Stronger local church – if we are in each other homes, tag teaming hosting new people, reaching out to folks on the fringe, inviting strangers into God’s family of course we will grow closer! Strong congregations are devoted to hospitality (think of 3 John) – People fell loved – new people and founding members.


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SPF Hospitality links: http://www.sheprovesfaithful.com/search?q=hospitality

How Should I Exercise Hospitality by Rebecca Vandoodewaard



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