SPF 193: Catechisms – What are They and Why are They Important

One of my frequently asked questions is what is a catechism and why is it important? I am answering this today on a very practical episode of the She Proves Faithful podcast.


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Catechism summarizes the basic principles of Christianity in question and answer form. It’s a summary of Christian doctrine derived from Scripture and memorized giving a person a biblical framework for life.

Catechisms are great for parents to teach to their children, but not limited to children learning them. They are for the whole church community.

Now catechisms are not to replace memorizing Scripture. They questions and answers are based on a systematic approach to Scripture, meaning the answers come from a breadth of texts that support the doctrine at hand.


Westminster Shorter Catechism: https://shortercatechism.com/

Baptist Catechism (Keach): http://baptiststudiesonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/keachs-catechism-of-1677.pdf

Heidelburg Catechism: http://www.heidelberg-catechism.com/en/new/

The Children’s Catechism: https://reformed.org/historic-confessions/the-childrens-catechism/

Truth and Grace Memory Books (3 levels) by Founders Ministry: https://press.founders.org/shop/truth-and-grace-tag-memory-books-3-book-set/

Songs For Saplings by Dana Dirkson: https://store.songsforsaplings.com/collections/digital-downloads

The Blessing of Catechizing Your Kids: https://www.ligonier.org/posts/blessing-catechizing-our-children

Katecheo – Greek Word in Scripture: https://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/greek/kjv/katecheo.html

Titus2Homemaker: https://titus2homemaker.com/teaching-the-catechism/

Covenantal Catechism: https://logospressonline.com/author/harry-van-dyken/

Great Children’s Books (Dutch Color, Huguenot Garden): https://canonpress.com/author/douglas-jones/


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