What does victory look like for a Christian? I’ll give one hint: when we understand how tough it’s going to be, we know the victory is worth while.
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What is Christian Victory?
Plodcast 210: God’s Path to Victory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTVEOyqnbk8
Matthew Henry Commentary Hebrews 12: https://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/matthew-henry-complete/hebrews/12.html
“We want our blessings from God like we get coffee from a drive through coffee joint – we want it hot and we want it now.” – Douglas Wilson
“God’s path to victory is no fun. We need to know it’s not suppose to be fun, which in fact, makes it fun.”
“Baskets of fruit are heavy.”
No discipline seems pleasant at the time.
As soon as we understand how tough it’s going to be, we know it will be WORTH WHILE.
The difficulty is worth it because there IS victory.
God arranged it this way for a reason.
We should not misapply a culture of instant gratification to the Lord.
God uses hardships and labor and trials on the path to victory.
to make us holy
to show His glory
to produce a peaceable fruit of righteousness
So what does Christian victory look like?
Conformity to Christ.
And a growing strength to not grow weary and lose heart.