SPF 202: 12 Days of Christmas & Celebrating Like a Christian

Ever wonder what the 12 days of Christmas is all about? Or have you celebrated advent and easter but wondered about the Christian liturgical calendar? Have you thought of celebrating as worship and warfare? Have some fun with me today as I discuss these things and share some seasonal encouragement.

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Why We Celebrate

God is a God of joy! He is a God who gives good things and we get to celebrate! Celebration isn’t just for our joy, but it’s a way to wage war. It shows the enemy no matter what, Christ is King and victorious AND we worship God not the spirit of the age, not the government, not popular opinion or fear. Christian celebrations are a mark of worship and communicate to the world who our King is.

Psalm 23 says that God prepares for us a feast in the presence of our enemies. A feast. A celebration. Our joy in these distinctively Christian celebrations are a sword we swing to defeat the enemies of Christ.

WHAT we celebrate, and HOW we celebrate communicates to the world a message. If we celebrate Christian things in Christian ways, WITH JOY, it says, Christ is our King and His Kingdom is HERE and his KINGDOM is GROWING.

Celebrate. With a smile on your face and thankfulness in your heart.

Two ways to celebrate as a Christian: with feasting and worship

As a Christian be sure to include feasting and worship. Make your celebration about God and His redemption in all these seasons. Make it about Christ ruling as King. Make a meal unto the Lord and be glad. And even if it can’t be the most elaborate feast, I think of the Proverbs:

Better is a dry morsel with quiet than a house full of feasting with strife. Prov 17:1

Better is a little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble with it.

Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it. Pr 15:16-17

Memorize Isaiah 11 this Christmas!

Get the free print out here: sheprovesfaithful.com/blog/isaiah11

Reading Plan

The 12 Days of Christmas Reading: Get it Here!


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