SPF 233: Cultivating Loyalty in the Home

Loyalty is the virtue of faithfulness to a commitment or cause or person. For the Christian, we are to be loyal to Christ our Lord, and as Christian’s in a family, we are to be loyal to one another and to the household of God. This kind of faithfulness demonstrates a binding love and secure identity. Today I’m going to share some thoughts of how we can cultivate loyalty in the home out of a loyalty to Christ.

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Loyalty in the Home

“I do think that families are the most beautiful things in the whole world.” – Jo March

Family is God’s design to fill the earth with his glory. It’s his idea, his creation, and his design to have a father, mother, and children working out their roles and responsibilities to bless one another, create a beautiful culture, and to bring glory and honor to God. 

We are loyal to Christ as our Savior, worshiping and obeying him

And then we are loyal to our people – the people in our household. Just as a husband and wife leave their families to form a new family – cleaving to each other. This is a unique joining together – an adhering or gluing – of two people into ONE entity. The two will become one flesh. They have become a unit and from a husband and wife, children come. It’s a family. And Families are important because families create culture. We have the privilege and responsibility through ordinary means to create every day. Building family culture which will build community culture which will continue building more broadly. 

Five Ways to Cultivate Loyalty in the Home

(reviewing these from Rachel Jankovic’s blog post: https://www.feminagirls.com/2014/08/28/funner-part-2-loyalty/

  1. Identify yourself with your children without shame. Honor your husband and your children in public, regardless of public commentary.

  2. Don’t be ashamed or frustrated by the postpartum body or home. Don’t let a bad attitude about our body or the state of our home eek out because it distances us from the cause – our children. 

  3. Create rules that foster loyalty. Some of the rules Rachel said were things like not allowing your children to make fun of one another, tell embarrassing stories on one another, side with friends against siblings, chose certain siblings to be close to and exclude other, not oversharing their weaknesses.

  4. Serve one another. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

  5. Forgive one another. Freely you have received, freely give.


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