Pilate infamously asked, “What is truth?” when Jesus was on trial before him. Why is truth so important and why is it impossible for us all to live our own truths? And why is having thick skin and soft hearts important in our quest as ministers of truth?
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Truth is Truth
If it agrees with God it’s true. Even non Christians can be right about truth, if it agrees with God.
The problem with those without the Truth
If there is something that is always true, it means there is an authority that established the truth – and that authority is God.
Authority feels pretty crummy when you don’t like the rules.
Authority exists – just like oxygen, just like gravity.
And God is the ultimate authority of what is true.
No person is an island, and therefore our choices and actions and beliefs impact others around us. If someone is no living according to what is true, it will have negative implications on them, on their family, on the culture.