SPF 266: Making Sense of Progressive Christianity (and How to Hold the Line in your Home)

SPF 266: Making Sense of Progressive Christianity (and How to Hold the Line in your Home)

Today we are  making sense of progressive Christianity through a parable Jesus taught plus learn something you can do to  hold the line of truth in your homes.

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Progressive Christianity is a popular movement that seeks to  progress Christianity forward rather than reforming Christianity back to Scripture.

The most dangerous thing about progressive Christianity is that there is no gospel. St. Augustine said, “you out to say plainly that you do not believe the gospel of christ. For to believe what you please, and not to believe what you please, is to believe yourselves and not the Gospel. Ultimately that is what the issue is. It is a belief in self and the ability for humanity to transform themselves and their community by their own power and ideals of love and justice.

So how do we make sense of progressive Christianity?
Matthew 21 The Parable of the Tenants
The issue with progressive Christianity and every other belief system is that it is at war with the authority of God. It is at war with His ways. For the chief priests and elders there was a pride in them and a love for their own authority that prohibited them from admitting that Jesus was from God and that Jesus was God.

Hold the Line in Your Home
Study the Christian creeds and confessions.
Creeds and confessions are actually wonderful tools to use and understand the Scriptures to help build up our faith with the truth that is found in the Word of God.

“Throughout church history it has been necessary for the church to adopt and embrace creedal statements to clarify the Christian faith and to distinguish true content from error and false representations of the faith. Such creeds are distinguished from Scripture in that Scripture is norma normans (“the rule that rules”), while the creeds are norma normata (“a rule that is ruled”).” RC Sproul


More from Alisa Childers: 



More on Creeds and Confessions:


The Nicene Creed:


The Westminster Confession:


The 1689 London Baptist Confession:


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