God gives us gifts and abilities to use for his glory, and to produce a return. The gifts and abilities vary, but the task is the same and we will be held accountable. Today I am sharing three encouragements to help us be ready and be faithful to the Lord our God.
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The Parable of the Talents
Matthew 25:14-30
Jesus tells us parable in the midst of talking about his return. It is an overall message for us to be ready, and also to be faithful with what God has entrusted to us now. It proclaims to us that we will be held accountable for our decisions, and that God gives us gifts and abilities to use for his glory, and to multiply, meaning make bigger, create more, make better, with what he gives us. This is a great reminder that this life is not our own, but we are to live for the Lord.
Three Encouragements to Honor God with Your Talents:
1. The first encouragement is that God entrusts us with valuable things and we are blessed to be under His Lordship. He gives and we are to be profitable with it.
2. The second encouragement is because God gives, because He is the one from whom these blessings flow, we are to be about his business.
3. God is a generous and good God, and we get to partake and share in what is gained and we will be held accountable.