SPF 280: Overwhelmed & Anxious by Too Much Input

In 2017 I experienced a missed miscarriage. I could not find the help I needed. Where were the bullhorns shouting for my healthcare? today I’m sharing my story of how the Lord provided for me despite living in a culture steeped in virtue signaling for women. ————–Resources: Read News articles concerning abortion, politics, and culture […]
SPF 274: My Missed Miscarriage – How the Lord Helped Me Despite the Women’s Rights Movement

In 2017 I experienced a missed miscarriage. I could not find the help I needed. Where were the bullhorns shouting for my healthcare? today I’m sharing my story of how the Lord provided for me despite living in a culture steeped in virtue signaling for women. ————–Resources: Read News articles concerning abortion, politics, and culture […]
SPF 273: The Fruits of Suffering & Casting off Dread

This past week our city was in the direct path of Hurricane Helene, a category four storm with projected winds of 140mph. There was a lot of uncertainty surrounding the storm and aftermath. What do we do when faced with potential suffering? How can we fight the dread of what may come? Today I’m sharing […]
SPF 272: Be Ready by Being Faithful: Three Ways to Honor God with Your Talents

God gives us gifts and abilities to use for his glory, and to produce a return. The gifts and abilities vary, but the task is the same and we will be held accountable. Today I am sharing three encouragements to help us be ready and be faithful to the Lord our God. Enjoying SPF?If you’ve […]
SPF 265: Three Things To Make You a Potent Christian Culture Maker

Sometimes it’s a clear the temple day and sometimes is a clear the table day. Building culture requires reformation. Reformation is the constant course correction to Scripture. Today I am sharing three things we can learn about reformation from Christ so we can be potent culture makers. NewsletterSign up for a free Bible Reading Method: sheprovesfaithful.com/newsletter […]
SPF 264: Glory in the Mess: The Nature of Fruit-Bearing Labor

Have you ever thought keeping your home clean with kids at home is like brushing your teeth while eating cookies? Or felt the temptation to avoid a project simply because of the aftermath? Proverbs 14:4 says, “Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.” […]
SPF 263: Two Proverbs for the Summer to Cultivate Christian Culture in the Home

Summer is a great time to start laying foundational principles through the wisdom of the proverbs that keeps the mind focused on what is true and the hands busy with the Lord’s work. And since summer often means more together time, lets grow in being hard to offend and being a productive agent of growth. […]
SPF 262: What is the Aim of “Church Discipline?” (In a World of Inclusion, Is There a Time to Exclude?)

Our culture constantly uses the word “inclusive” but is there a time for the Church to exclusive? What about when it comes to matter of “church discipline?” Today I am sharing how we can avoid being deceived by worldly voices when it comes to being inclusive and exclusive in the church. Sign up for the […]