Memorizing Scripture with Your Kids

The Word of God is a living and active gift telling us the glory of God and His great rescue plan for us through Jesus Christ. The Word is a lamp to our feet, it exposes the yuck of our hearts and how to be made clean, it gives us instructions, encouragement, promises, and grows our knowledge of the One True God.

His Word is vital to live a flourishing life for us AND our children.

In Deuteronomy we are commanded to teach God's Word to our children so they might know Him, obey Him, and follow Him. It is our responsibility to teach our children and we have the opportunity to dazzle them with the glory of God through His Word and Truth every day.

Learn More About How To Memorize Scripture with Your Kids

Listen to Episode 9 of the She Proves Faithful podcast for truth, tips, and resources on getting Scripture into your home and hearts. The show notes also include an abundance of resources!

Ideas for Scripture Memory

  • Make it part of your daily routine to memorize or review Bible verses
  • Talk about verses you've memorized during the day to instruct and encourage
  • Pray scripture together before bedtime
  • Hang verses in the kitchen to review at meal times
  • Make up songs to help verses stick in young (and older) minds

Two Free Resources to Start Today!

Here is a simple verse to start or continue your scripture memory adventure: Ephesians 4:32

  • Print off the free printable verse and hang it up!
  • Talk about WHY we can be kind and forgive - because Jesus forgave us FIRST!
  • Learn the little ditty (in the video below or on the podcast episode 9) to help commit the verse to memory

Other questions to ask:

  • Why is it important to be kind to one another?
  • What does tenderhearted mean?
  • Why do we need forgiveness from God?
  • When it's hard to forgive someone what can we remember from this verse to help us?
  • Who can you be kind to today?
Start or grow your Scripture memory adventure with this FREE printable verse.

Start or grow your Scripture memory adventure with this FREE printable verse.

Memorize Ephesians 4:32 with this Song!

Check out our little song and hand motions that helped us commit Ephesians 4:32 to memory.

Listen to the SPF Podcast to hear more!